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What is World Tree?

Posted by Vanderbilt Financial Group on 9/18/20 3:02 PM

If you had the opportunity to fight climate change, inequality and poverty all at once, would you take it?

What if that opportunity also included the potential for profit?

If you think that sounds too good to be true, it’s time for you to meet World Tree and their Eco-Tree program.

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Topics: Impact Investing, sustainability, Investment, climate change, climate week, world tree

I HAVE A DREAM - Our first event towards SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Posted by Steve Distante on 8/20/20 4:51 PM


When I first heard Stephon Ferguson perform a speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I felt like I was transformed back into the era of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. The richness of Stephon’s voice, his precise movement and the intentions of his words all perfectly match with the most famous orator of our time. I knew that we needed Stephon at this moment to bring us back to the days of Dr. King and allow his words to once again heal a nation reeling from issues of injustice, inequalities and inequities. His performance allows us to relive this historic moment viscerally and better understand how the context of Dr. King's words are still incredibly relevant today.  

 On Juneteenth of this year, Vanderbilt Financial Group made a public commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities. This event is the first in a series meant to further the conversation we as entrepreneurs, Financial Professionals, and humans can have in exposing and dismantling systemic racism. We felt an important first step was to look back on the words and dream of unification between all races that Dr. King preached. Stephon and his reenactment of “I HAVE A DREAM” lets us feel the significance of Dr. King’s words in the context of our current times.

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Vanderbilt's Commitment to SDG 10 and Reducing Racial Inequalities

Posted by Vanderbilt Financial Group on 6/19/20 3:57 PM

To our Vanderbilt Family and our Community at large,

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What a human “pause” is doing to our environment.

Posted by Joe Trifiletti on 4/20/20 4:10 PM

We’ve seen the phrases “unprecedented times”, “challenging times” and even “ushering in a new era” in countless articles, emails, and commercials when it comes to the COVID-19 epidemic. And it’s true, we are in unprecedented times in which our human activity has been halted, or paused, for a brief moment in time to ensure the safety of our communities. While the media has focused more on the many negative effects of this pause, portions of the environment have seen positive outcomes.

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Topics: Impact Investing, earth day, Environment

Black History Month: The Socially Responsible “Black Titan”

Posted by Moira Do on 2/27/20 1:22 PM


Socially responsible businesses are not new concepts. For centuries, people have been using their businesses and investments to engage and better their communities and their environments. We saw this on a local level through examples such as corporate-sponsored community health programs.

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Topics: Black History Month

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