Topics: Financial Advisors, Financial Technology, Cybersecurity, phishing, Email
Back in the day, your first impression with a client was a firm handshake. Now, by the time a client has reached out to shake your hand, they’ve already done a deep dive online, Googling your name, reading articles, and yes, searching on social media. What they find on the web - that’s your first impression.
Your web presence is now a hugely important part of your business. It’s your online personality. So how do you look online? A “Business Page” on Facebook is a quick way to help you make a great first impression online, while staying compliant.
Topics: Social Media, Financial Advisors, Facebook
3 Steps Advisors Can Take to Protect Against Hackers
Cybersecurity is something all financial advisors need to master in order to maintain a successful, compliant, and secure business. Some financial advisors just buy antivirus and firewall software and then forget about it.
Topics: Financial Advisors, Cybersecurity
SEC Chairman Michael Piwowar speaks out about the "terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad" Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule.
Topics: Financial Advisors, Department of Labor, DOL Fiduciary Rule
Elder Abuse is increasingly becoming an issue that Financial Advisors need to prepare for. As our clients get older, they are more and more vulnerable to a host of abuses that can cause huge losses to assets which can severely hurt a Financial Advisor’s book of business and open up to possible legal trouble. We’ve created a list of the ways Elders can be abused so that you can stay informed and proactive against scams.
Topics: Financial Advisors, Elder Abuse