In a world where the finance industry often seems dominated by a select few, this Native American History Month we wanted to shed light on those that are underrepresented, the Native Americans. Native Americans have made significant contributions to finance, challenging stereotypes and advocating for economic empowerment within their communities.
Topics: finance, Inclusiveness, SDG, financial history, US History, Native Americans, Native American History Month
The United States recognizes Federal Holidays as dates designated by the U.S. government as holidays, where non-essential government offices and most businesses are closed in commemoration and recognition of important dates. Of the 11 dates recognized as Federal Holidays, Memorial Day is one that many look forward to, with many considering it the unofficial start of summer. While we all love Memorial Day for the barbecues, spending time with friends and family and the three-day weekend, it is also important to remember the origin of the holiday and who it honors.
Topics: US History, Memorial Day, Veterans, Holiday, Remembrance Day